Transforms published content into multiple channels with AI-driven OCR, Table Detection, and content segmentation.

Introducing AOTM ICP, a transformative platform that intelligently processes a wide array of published content, including books, journals, articles, and more, into various delivery formats. Harnessing advanced AI and automation, AOTM ICP streamlines content segmentation, sequencing, and delivery, enhancing efficiency and accuracy for content publishers across different platforms and languages. Ideal for organizations seeking seamless transformation and distribution of diverse content types, AOTM ICP represents a powerful tool at the forefront of content management innovation.

Empowered by AI and automation, AOTM ICP enhances accuracy and efficiency, making it essential for content publishers. Discover how AOTM ICP can streamline your content transformation and delivery needs at the ALA conference and beyond.

Transform Your Content with AOTM ICP

Transform a wide range of published content into multiple delivery channels with precision and efficiency.

Multichannel Transformation

Universally converts content into various formats for seamless distribution.

Advanced OCR Integration

Supports multiple languages with features like Table Detection and image segmentation.

Automated Content Organization

Automatically segments and groups content into cohesive articles.

Reflow Articles and XML Delivery

Generates adaptable content formats for integration across platforms.

Hear What Our Customers Have to Say

“We are now processing over 500,000 invoices a month, tens of thousands more than we were dealing with before, with the same number of employees. By avoiding the need to increase our headcount, we estimate we’re saving around $75 million a year.”

Schedule a demo with us

Automate your data processing needs with AOTM.