AOTM IDP for CPG & Retail

Retail and CPG companies constantly face the challenges like changing document layouts, slow user interfaces, and extensive integrations. These challenges cause high costs, slow turnaround times, and embarrassing errors. AOTM’s intelligent document processing platform reduces manual efforts and makes your organization processes fast, efficient, and extremely accurate.

Supply Chain Automation Companies
supply chain process automation

Streamline the toughest processes in your business with AOTM

The entire retail value chain from procurement to inventory management, and sales to distribution, the entire operations can be streamlined with AOTM solution.

A Hub for All Your Data

Automate your processes with IDP and increase customer satisfaction rate.

Speed Up Billing and Invoice Processes

Auto-read and ingest data from invoices received from different vendors and route it for processing to the concerned department.

Enhance your Email & Communication Management

Auto-extract high volumes of unstructured data received through email, chat, and other forms of communication and integrate it with the enterprise CRM system for better management of customers.

Manage the Proofs of Delivery (PoDs)

Digitize the Proofs of Delivery (PoDs), auto-capture the details, and tag them with the respective customer's digital folders.

Reduce the Cost of Manual Labour by 50%

You can now cut down manual data processing and verification costs with AOTM solution. Extract and process data automatically from bills, vendor records, customs declaration forms, bills of lading, and maintenance logs efficiently.

Template-Free Data Extraction from Retail Invoices, Purchase Orders, and Shipping Documents

Employ AOTM solution today for quick extraction of data and populate fields from various documents in your business process, such as, invoices, purchase orders, shipping documents, etc. It saves time so that you can concentrate on critical tasks by automating your workflow.

Cost Efficient

Reduce your data processing costs by more than 50%.

Enables Smooth Business Processes

Get work done efficiently and at a faster rate with AOTM solution.

Eliminate Errors

With 99.9% accuracy, bid goodbye to errors.

Boost Customer Satisfaction

Keep your customers happy with quick and automated business processes.

Hear What Our Customers Have to Say

“We are now processing over 500,000 invoices a month, tens of thousands more than we were dealing with before, with the same number of employees. By avoiding the need to increase our headcount, we estimate we’re saving around $75 million a year.”

Schedule a demo with us

Automate your data processing needs with AOTM.